OB2D 2015 伺服器工作站 20150627 amd64 v1.2 (相容於 Debian 8 Jessie)

Home » OB2D » OB2D 2015 伺服器工作站 20150627 amd64 v1.2 (相容於 Debian 8 Jessie)
2015-06-27 OB2D, OB2D Dragon Server 2 則留言

安裝只要 5~10 分鐘。



sha1sum: 620cd6d955054f5d050b73eb44f6b777a7bd88fb

安裝後,請開啟一個終端機視窗,執行 ob2d-init 來設定 MySQL 資料庫的 root 密碼,如下圖所示。


2 thoughts on : OB2D 2015 伺服器工作站 20150627 amd64 v1.2 (相容於 Debian 8 Jessie)

  • 老師您好:




    安裝的電腦是asus MD500。

    感謝您 fish

  • The work around is to go to a different shell: Press Alt-F2 type: nano /bin/check-missing-firmware

    Under the first line of the script, add exit 0:

    exit 0
    Press Alt-F1 and return to the frozen screen and hit CTRL-C to kill and restart that script.
    Do not select the conflicting harder for network setup, and you are good to go for now!

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